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Manastash meadows up by the rocks.

You cheated by looking for a map :haha: I guess to really make my point I will need to find a pre land swap map to show how the ownership changed in the last land swap up there. Before the swap there was no way to get there without crossing private land. We (pnw4wda) negotiated for two years with the FS and Plum creek to maintain access to the area and forced several changes to happen to guarantee access including complete unblocked ownership from The Manashtash campground to the rocks. We also got legislation passed that allowed a Private company (plum creek) or a Org. (pnw4wda) to apply for nova funds to maintain trails on private lands that were FS or DNR lands prior to a swap. This is why we still have access (all of us) from the Naches and CleElum side to the rocks.

This is the oldest map of the area I own...back from 1994 :haha:

This thread is a perfect example of what's wrong with this community. It was started with good intentions, passing along relevant information, and instead of focusing on the issues that WILL get land shut down for everybody, half the posters are sniveling about Jeeps vs buggies vs wheelers vs PNW vs WOW.

Honestly, who the fawk cares?

It's time to realize all that **** is meaningless to anybody outside this forum?? Trails getting shut down will be unilateral, regardless of what you drive or what your club affiliation is.

Isn't it time to focus on what really matters here? :rolleyes::rolleyes:

I am just concerned that the folks who have the respect & ear of the FS/DNR are not representing ALL wheelers.
I am just concerned that the folks who have the respect & ear of the FS/DNR are not representing ALL wheelers.
We are over here in the All Wheelers Off Road Club. We work with both the DNR and Forest Service for all ORV trails. I guess we kind of skip the middle men so we can get crap done.
So a tire size limit and or width restrictions are your idea of "shut down PERIOD"?:rolleyes:

There's no "PERIOD" in any of this at this point in time.
trails are already being/have been shut down. the powers that be are ensuring that. its a just a matter of WHICH trails are next. like i said, it WILL happen.

where the hell did I say ANYTHING about tire size or width restrcition? wtf are u talking about?
Who care's who did it in what vehicle, what it boils down to is some ****head(s) did damage now it needs to be fixed and the perps need to be punished plain and simple. All you guys bitching at each other isn't going to fix the meadow now is it?

So when are we going up there to solve the damage issue? I'm available on weekends pretty much any time after the 4th.
We are over here in the All Wheelers Off Road Club. We work with both the DNR and Forest Service for all ORV trails. I guess we kind of skip the middle men so we can get crap done.

And one of the 'Most Active". Keep up the good work!!!
Who care's who did it in what vehicle, what it boils down to is some ****head(s) did damage now it needs to be fixed and the perps need to be punished plain and simple. All you guys bitching at each other isn't going to fix the meadow now is it?

So when are we going up there to solve the damage issue? I'm available on weekends pretty much any time after the 4th.

Trails getting shut down will be unilateral, regardless of what you drive or what your club affiliation is.

You sure about that? I'm prety sure otherwise.

Go back and read what I wrote and what I quoted.

i was just backing up, what i THOUGHT you were saying. that the trails would be shut down, regardless of who was doing the damage
i guess i was wrong.:booo:

i still dont see anything about tire size or width restrictions:eeek:
An ORV is a ORV whether it has 4 wheels 2 wheels etc. Everybody should work together towards the same goal. Common use open trail systems.
Well put Larry! This SHOULD be everyone's mantra!
If everything gets closed we ALL lose no matter how many wheels or tire size.
And one of the 'Most Active". Keep up the good work!!!

I am sure there are more out there that work as hard but don't post their work. I post to show the fun we have hoping others will get involve with some of these work parties in their areas.
Ya know, wheelers will never get it. No wonder trails are going to be closed and the greenies are going to win. You blame each other, always comparing sizes, my **** is bigger than yours so I am cooler, or subsitute **** for tires rig type or age, and you get the same thing. You blame each other and beside a very few of you, actually get involved. I am not meaning picking up trash, or work parties either. You want to fight for you for your specific rig and why you should be the top dog on the trail, but want someone else to do it. Instead of uniting under one banner, you split up because of intolernce on what some one drives. I dont want to work with jeeps, or buggies are causing all the problems. You say the PNW4WDA is just a bunch of old farts that wont change thier ways, and the young punks just have an attitude. Well just get over your differences. The world doesnt revovle around you or your rig type, be one group, not a bunch of whining pansies, all but hurt and splitting into different groups. If you dont like what I say ,I dont care. There are a lot of great people out there that I have met, that have put a lot of time trying to enjoy this sport, but have just been burnt out with the bickering and fighting. For those of you who still try to keep it together, good luck. Those of you who think your are just too cool because of your rig or whatever, well just get over yourselfs.
i bet it was some ol jeeper with super swampers:redneck:

seriously though, wheres the pictures of destruction? i could be up there like tomorrow.
I am just concerned that the folks who have the respect & ear of the FS/DNR are not representing ALL wheelers.

Maybe I'm not getting it, but isn't ANY fight given in an effort to keep trails open essentially done on behalf of the entire community?? Every acre lost to ORV use is lost to all of us, regardless of what we drive.

The way I see it, finding fault or laying blame on any group for their campaign to keep land open for their users is detrimental and undermining of the efforts put forth, and could deter others from trying, out of fear people will just flame the hell out of them for trying to do what they felt was right.

If I had the cash, I'd be contributing to the PNW, WOW, RTW, and any other groups doing similar work. They are all doing good work, and should be recognized for their efforts. :awesomework:

Maybe it is a horsepower thing.
Maybe it is a driving style thing.
Maybe it is a responsibility thing.

Beats me, but I guarantee that w/ my Runner on 39.5's I did 10x less "damage" than 99% of the wheelers up Manastash on Memorial Day.

No horsepower, turtle speed, lots of traction, and staying on the trail is my friend.... :redneck:

WORD! It was funny to watch people gather around hill climbs and the big mud holes when they'd see my truck coming down the trails at Rimrock on memorial weekend... They sure thought I'd put on a show with my 44's but they all got dissapointed badly. :D

My buddies on 35-39" tires did far more damage because they HAD to spin the tires through most everything while we nearly idled.. Not that flooring it would have done a lot though, 4 cylinders of fury don't do a much spinning. :haha:
WORD! It was funny to watch people gather around hill climbs and the big mud holes when they'd see my truck coming down the trails at Rimrock on memorial weekend... They sure thought I'd put on a show with my 44's but they all got dissapointed badly. :D

My buddies on 35-39" tires did far more damage because they HAD to spin the tires through most everything while we nearly idled.. Not that flooring it would have done a lot though, 4 cylinders of fury don't do a much spinning. :haha:

"We" all know its the driver not the tire size :awesomework: Plenty of responsible drivers with big tires but unfortunatly as with so many things we all get painted with the same brush and its the 1% crowd that gets to pick the color:booo: