You know what is funny? Or maybe not so funny.. is that there are greenies that frequent this and all other ORV sites and they are laughing their asses off at how we cannot get it together. FFS STFU. lose the testosterone and work together or just sell your rig now. Because if this kind of crap continues, I guaran-****in-tee you they will have everything closed down while we are still pointing fingers at each other. Geeze ya'll remind me of my 12 & 13 year old daughters arguing about who gets to ride shotgun in the heep... wait that is a valid argument. But really, knock it off. Find the dickwads that are messing it up for ALL of us, Buggies, Quads etc.. and have their asses waxed by LEO's. Stand up for what is our's and do it together.
We all love the sport. It does not matter if you're just starting out with a stock rig or you have a major modded rig. The Enviro bullshit effects us all the same, it See's no difference in a Jeep or a Sammi, or those yota things, :fawkdancesmiley:.
There are some smart folks here with good ideas. Put your heads together and fight back. Use their own strategies. Play it smart, and find new innovative ways to fight these morons.