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My 321 Build

Me and you both man. I got a crap load of parts coming in this week. Just wish surgery was a few weeks later. Here in a couple weeks I will be able to get up and move around. I got a buddy from work and sure JR will stop by . Might get the engine going before I go back to work. Here is what I got done tonight.

I got the rear highsteer arms done and painted. Wheels back on..

Rear Coilover Bars. I don't know how they planned on this but this looked the best to me. And after a support gusset added it will be beefy. 1.75 x .120 DOM


Rear shot.

So my new goal is to have the rear coilovers mounted by surgery time...
Make sure you add some gussetts or a tube brace to those mounts. Mine are very similar and are bent to hell. Bent so bad the rear chassis rails are bending also. Just speaking from experience of what not to do!!
Matt O. said:
Make sure you add some gussetts or a tube brace to those mounts. Mine are very similar and are bent to hell. Bent so bad the rear chassis rails are bending also. Just speaking from experience of what not to do!!

Yeah I got some gusseting to do... I have seen others out there that has bent . That is just where I got to tonight.
I forgot to mention this. After some beer drinking with a buddy we came up with a nickname for the buggy. As it has a lot of good **** on it and hope that it shocks some people making it up some crazy rock climbs thought about calling it " The Shocker " . And have a 1/8 plate in the back with the image of the 2 in the pink 1 in the stink burned out... Just an idea, but I loved it from Hello!!!
Rear Lower Shock Mounts Done!!!! Tied them to the axles and to the knuckle. 1/4" double sheer.



Rear Tie Rod done!!!

With surgery coming up Thursday morning I was trying to get the rear done. And by the looks of it I should have it done tomorrow.

Well I got the coilovers mounted today. Still like getting the gussets on the upper mounts.


A little flex to check clearance...


Headers made it in today. They are Advance Adapters Block Huggers for Gen 3 motors .


Got a little clearance issue on the passenger side. Looks like the headers could of used a little more bend in them. I like grinding about 1/4 inch on the motor mount to clear. It is plenty beefy so there will be no issue.

So tomorrow I plan on getting the rear coilover gussets done and maybe the headers bolted up. Tomorrow will be my last day to work on it for the next 4 weeks.
that sucks you have been making great progress i hope surgery goes good so you can get back to it good luck man :dblthumb:
So tomorrow I plan on getting the rear coilover gussets done and maybe the headers bolted up. Tomorrow will be my last day to work on it for the next 4 weeks.

4 weeks, my ass... You will be back on that bitch way before that. I bet you that you will be working on it again, _____ Friday October 2nd. :****: :woot:
Hurry up and get your neck right SON ! thumb.gif

Hope the surgery and recovery goes quick so you can get the rig knocked out. Its great seeing it come together man !
Thanks guys, I feel like if I had 1 month left I could have it knocked out. But New Years was my goal and I am still hoping to have it done by then. Everyone say a prayer for my neck to heal quickly. Thanks for everyone's comments.
Alright fawkers I got some more done today..... :gimmebeer.....Taking it slow as I am not suppose to be out of the recliner.....

Got the headers painted with ceramic off the shelf part store paint. I did buy the better or higher dollar paint. They was already starting to rust just setting in the shop. So I sanded and cleaned them good. Put 2 heavy coats and then fired them in the grill for 20 min each at 350*....


Got the hole cut in the floor board for the Atlas

Atlas shifter links 90% done. With my floor board design and being a drivers drop I have limited room. The shifter block that hold the handles is supposed to be turned up. But I checked links before cutting the handles off and I can run it flipped. I just have to attach the handle on the other end and flip the bracket.

here is a picture of how I did it.


This is where I will mount the new handle. I am going to buy some tube tomorrow and fab this up so it is strong. I tried shifting it with the links like I have them and it is just as easy as it was the other way. I believe this is going to work great.
Great work on the shifters. You will be happy with the standard shifters during break in.
Got the shifters done and the protective boot installed. It took about 4 hours to bend the shifters, clean, pain and install. They shift perfect. Notice it is a tight space and they come out right beside my leg within reach to shift.




Me checking out the feel....Give me a break it has been a while... :bottleofbeer

Got my tranny dipstick in today and the spal electric oil coolers should be here tomorrow. Found them on E-bay for 75.00 asked for a discount on 2 and got them for 69.00 and paid half shipping. Fuel cell should be done next week.