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My 321 Build

Easy now... I am not actually used to it, so I had to google how to use a short stick... This is what came up.... :****: :wtflol: :gtfo: :flipgotcha:

Matt O. said:
What paint did you use for the headers. I need to do mine

I used the higher dollar Advance Part Store ceramic. Just make sure you get them good and clean and put a couple coats on. They turned out nice. But they will still look like poop after a few muddy trips to the rocks. But at least they are not covered up with rust.
Don't know if it will work on the ceramic paint but back in my railjob days I painted my header with Grill Paint and coated them with Pam. It made a huge difference and lasted a whole season. I tore it down every year and redid it. Just a little trick a drag racer told me about that worked.
I could see that working. Smell like you cooking something also... I wonder if bacon grease would work...LMAO!
Doesn't look like a lot but I got the center console about half way finished. My floor panels are removable. This means that the console had to be removable as well. I also had a problem with the way it was designed hitting my leg. So I cleaned everything up and reused the rolled tubing. I flipped them over so they roll towards the firewall. Now it clears my legs and gives me a good place to mount the tranny shifter. More to come tomorrow.




Dressed up the top with some solid round stock.

Side view
I got more done today.... :woot . I got the Transmission Shifter console attached to the center console. I didn't like the plastic one that came with it. So I built a case for mine to slide into and then the 4 bolts hold it together. I also made a piece come off of the transmission console and radius up between the seats to help keep mud out and to dress it up. Shelley came out and cut out my cardboard template for the main console. I hope to get it cut out tomorrow and attached with bolts. Everything is removable so I can get the floor pans out.

Shifter in easy reach for those bad moments..

Notice the sheet-metal between the seats.

Template for center Console

Madcoop made this Shocker Emblem & hope to mount it to the console..... :party
Still working on the center console gauge and toggle panel. I got my Oil Pressure , Water Temp, & Volt meter Gauges cut out and installed. I am going to put a tach up above coming off the cage due to space. Should I add any other gauges? Here is what I got done today.



Yeah it is awesome getting out of the house and mostly seeing this buggy come together. I feel like I am getting more of the complicated things accomplished. My brain has been working in overdrive, keeps me from sleeping good. Shelley made a joke about when I was going to start on my next buggy..... She is crazy... Thanks for the complements....
I have that same gage set up. I don't think anything else is needed, unless u run trans temp.. By the way, I know all about the brain storms at 1 a.m. I'll be glad when I'm done.
I got a lot done today on the engine protection/cage . With my engine setting so high up it was very hard to do this and make it look good. I still have to add pointed end caps to the exposed tubing and I have to add a heim joint and some brackets to the back center going to the center tube in the windshield. This should keep it from pushing down in a roll over.




My PSC 2.5" single ended rams came in today...
I'd like to see a side view of the engine cage just as a reference for my own if you don't mind too awefully bad ...

J. J.
Not a perfect side view but it is all I have right now. I will get some more tomorrow. My engine still has the truck intake and probably will for a while cause all the money I am dumping in this thing. And honestly once you are setting inside it there is not much difference. I would gain about 3 inches of view with the car intake.

I'm keeping my truck intake also. My engine is a hair lower than yours it seems. I'd still liek to get a reference from the side of how high that cage goes though.

J. J.