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Popo at evans

KarlVP said:
Ummmm.... No. We were camped at the Day use area. We were out on the roads all day, and nobody got any tickets. The did ask to see drivers liscences, and if you didn't have it, you had to go back to camp to get it.

A simple chat when you see the law up there works wonders. If you are obvioulsy trying to aviod them, it looks suspicious.

Now, if you are a wheeler and you look like a 18yo kid up there to drink beer around the bonfire, the cops are probably going to take an interest to you.

Is it profiling? Yup... did I get profiled when I was 18 and looking for a place to go drink beer in the woods? Yup.

Well I I sure as hell don't look 18, or even 28 for that matter, but I do like to drink some suds around the campfire? :D I know waht you mean though. I'll prolly be up there during the week when I come up anyhow????
Dear group;
I am soooooooooooo glad that I live in a place where the PO-LEASE have better things to do with their time than writing tickets for stupid crap! My YJ hasn't been street legal to US specs in YEARS! Straight exhaust, 130 watt lo beams, wired to 100 watt hi beam lights, 130 watt running lights, no emissions junk, etc, etc. Writing ppl tickets like they are doing there in is just plain harrassment, IMHO. If enough ppl get together and tell that deputy that they plan on bending him over and shoving that ticket book straight up his wazoo, then this sort of thing would stop in a big hurry. Folks here in South America don't take kindly to police harrassment of ANY kind, be it some jerk passing out violations to the idiot who thinks he's Gods' gift to law enforcement. Here in Bolivia, it's a REQUIREMENT that you argue with the police vehemently and unceasingly, until he throws up his hands in despair and walks away. I've seen cops argue with people and the gathering crowds would turn nasty in a heartbeat and the cops would find themselves in the middle of a huge brawl in which there was no escape. People here are the self-policing sort and they don't take well to others telling them what they can and cannot do, how they can and can't drive, etc. It's a weird sort of existence, but it balances itself out and works very well, IMVHO. It's one thing to know that if you steal a car you might go to jail for a year or two, but it's quite another thing to know that if you steal a car and get caught, you may very well get beaten to death, literally. People have much more respect for others when they know what the consequences are.
Your friend;
SysWillys said:
I wanna come visit next summer with my turd and I'll be the one gettin ghet tickets cos I'm outta state, therefore myvacation will cost me an extra $400 in BS tickets? My junk is WAAAAAAAAY illegal for Washington. But legal for here??

Can they ticket you for that stuff if you are from out of state?

Since it isn't licensed in WA, it shouldn't be bound to the same rules.

I don't know maybe it doesn't work that way
I don't think we're allowed to do that here Lamar :redneck:

I do wish things weren't so complicated though...
Dear Nuzzy;
A perfect example of common sense was just a couple of months ago. I was a passenger in the car of another American who had just arrived in country a couple of weeks prior. We were stopped at a red light and I looked both ways, then looked at the driver. He asked me what was wrong and I asked him if he was going to go or sit there at the damned light all day. He informed me that the light was still red and I told him so what, there's nobody coming, so go. He refused to budge till the light turned green. It's the mindset, my friend. This guy still had the *law* deeply engrained in his psych and as such, he couldn't go against it. I'll give him a year before his common sense over rides his previous training and he figures things out.
Your friend;
Police bashing pisses me off.. they are just doing there job and what there sargent told them to do for that day or week.. so BACK the **** off the Police. if you hate them that bad next time you need to call 911 dont call your MOM.......:flipoff:
SysWillys said:
Your resilience is awesome.....I'm just :stirpot: cos I wanna come visit next summer with my turd and I'll be the one gettin ghet tickets cos I'm outta state, therefore myvacation will cost me an extra $400 in BS tickets? My junk is WAAAAAAAAY illegal for Washington. But legal for here??

Let me know when you're heading this way...I'll give ya the "Grand Tour of Reiter" :redneck:
I don't think that anyone hates the police, nor are they bashing them, I think they are angry at one or two of them but not the whole lot. I have a friend who is a cop, sometimes he lets me ride with him, and he, like all other cops, have the right to use discretion when writing a ticket, when was the last time you got a ticket for having a lollipop? They are illegal in the state of Washington, but I don't recall anyone getting a ticket for that, do you? Same goes for fender flare width, and the such, I think people are just angry about the nit picking, not the police.
toyota4x4matt said:
Police bashing pisses me off.. they are just doing there job and what there sargent told them to do for that day or week.. so BACK the **** off the Police. if you hate them that bad next time you need to call 911 dont call your MOM.......:flipoff:

Matt ease up on that langauge!!!
Jaydog said:
when was the last time you got a ticket for having a lollipop? They are illegal in the state of Washington
WHAT??? :haha: You gotta post the RCW to this, that is too funny :haha:
Dear toyota4X4matt;
If my supervisor told me that I had to act like a schmuck, I think that I'd tell that person where they could get off at. When the local LEOs starting doing stuff like they are doing, all they really accomplish is to further alienate themselves from the society which they have sworn to protect. In other words, over time, society no longer views them as allies, society starts to view law enforcement as the enemy. And the only people which law enforcement can blame for this is themselves, except most of them are too dumb to realize what they are doing in the first place. let's use some common sense for just a moment. In reality, what is are the local gendarmes SUPPOSED to do out there? Keep people from killing each other, setting fire to the forest, and help out folks in emergency situations, right? All of the other periphial nonsense, such as passing out violations to any and everyone and acting like inconsiderate Nazis only serves to upset society and form a dislike of law enforcement in general. Remember, a society which gives up it's freedom for security soon finds itself with neither.
Your friend;
toyota4x4matt said:
Police bashing pisses me off.. they are just doing there job and what there sargent told them to do for that day or week.. so BACK the **** off the Police. if you hate them that bad next time you need to call 911 dont call your MOM.......:flipoff:

I agree.

I have gotten pissed at the cops too, but they are doing what they are told to do. I also agree that its to bad they are doing it the way they are. If the rig is illegal to be on a legal road then I don't see the reason to bitch if you get pulled over. If you wanna bitch then bitch at the lawers, insurance groups and sue happy freaks that make this crap happen.
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I agree that its not right to be mad at the cops for doing there job. But i wish they could do it some where else.
I don't think anyone is arguing about getting a ticket for driving up to the park, not on a trailer, with a clearly illegal rig. Thats your own fault IMO. The forest service road is a road and all laws apply just like it was I-5. The main problem I have is the fact once your inside the park your supposed to be legal from trail to trail? If you trailer your rig and your in the ORV park boundaries, who cares? Also the map thats posted up there states that everything above the campground is ORV legal. So does that mean certain parts are legal and others aren't? Left from the second day use parking lot is illeagal while the upper part is legal to ORV's? Like Brian said, are you supposed to trailer your rig from the end of one trail to the start of the next, tip-toeing past the cop? The law makes since until you get within the OFF-ROAD vehicle park.

Dear group;
Because a law enforcement official is *only doing what he's told to do* or is just *following orders* doesn't lend credence to the discussion at all, in fact it's determental to the cause of all LEOs. Stating that police officers are simply following orders is placing them in the same class as military soldiers and this is exactly what a free society does NOT want to happen! Even the most green private in the US military is able to immediately discern the difference between lawful and unlawful orders. If I were in law enforcement and my supervisor me that I had to write a citation for EVERY violation which I witnessed, I would then immediately become suspicious as to the motives of such a tactic. It's obvious that this particular group of LEOs wishes to send out a message to offroaders and one must ask themself what is the message? Surely, the police chief must realize that his organization will NOT be viewed as serious LEOs who wish to uphold societys' values, rather he must have realized from the very outset that the only thing this tactic can possibly accomplish is to sow hatred and dissension of LEOs among the offroading society. Perhaps they wish to close this area to offroaders and they are using the exorbanant amount of citations as proof that offroaders are lawless brethen who are bent on destroying public lands and are a drain on society as a whole. So the argument that the LEOs in question are *only doing their job* is not a valid one. IMHO, the LEOs in question can more than adaquately perform their sworn function and act in the capacity of responsible LEOs without having to resort such low tactics as *ticket lines*.
Your friend;
I drive illegal stuff, if I get a ticket, I get a ticket. I have the right to go to court if I feel it is wrong.
If I get a ticket downtown or up at Evens, its still a ticket, the law is the law, no matter how far out of town you get, and if I was doing something illegal, I deserve it. I may still try to fight it, as is my right....
I have the right to try to change laws I feel are wrong.
However I also wont talk back to the guy witting me a ticket, as for I understand that he will then have a need to look for other stuff to write me tickets for...
Its been years since I have gotten a ticket, I have talked to plenty of enforcement agencies, once in a while even going out of my way to say hi to them.
Yes you guys have the right to bitch about getting tickets if that's what you want to do, but wouldn't that time be better off spent wheeling, or trying to change laws that make you bitch?:rolleyes:
this cop sounds like the same one that screwed with me up off the 70 road in greenwater. he bullied me off the road (logging road) and got out with a measuring tape and started measuring everything, just like in the first post. short plump little cop with a mustache. probably the same asshole. my rig is my daily driver, and he tried telling me that if my "illegal vehicle" were to ever get in an accident and kill somebody, i would get sued and lose my house and half of my income. i agree that cops are totally overboard with the law when they get out with a measuring tape and start measuring your bumpers and headlights. those laws were written a long time ago, before vehicles were even being modified like they are today. you don't see all these damned superduty's getting pulled over with 14" of lift and 44's though, just me and my little yota with 5" lift and 35's. :wtf: