Dear group;
I am soooooooooooo glad that I live in a place where the PO-LEASE have better things to do with their time than writing tickets for stupid crap! My YJ hasn't been street legal to US specs in YEARS! Straight exhaust, 130 watt lo beams, wired to 100 watt hi beam lights, 130 watt running lights, no emissions junk, etc, etc. Writing ppl tickets like they are doing there in is just plain harrassment, IMHO. If enough ppl get together and tell that deputy that they plan on bending him over and shoving that ticket book straight up his wazoo, then this sort of thing would stop in a big hurry. Folks here in South America don't take kindly to police harrassment of ANY kind, be it some jerk passing out violations to the idiot who thinks he's Gods' gift to law enforcement. Here in Bolivia, it's a REQUIREMENT that you argue with the police vehemently and unceasingly, until he throws up his hands in despair and walks away. I've seen cops argue with people and the gathering crowds would turn nasty in a heartbeat and the cops would find themselves in the middle of a huge brawl in which there was no escape. People here are the self-policing sort and they don't take well to others telling them what they can and cannot do, how they can and can't drive, etc. It's a weird sort of existence, but it balances itself out and works very well, IMVHO. It's one thing to know that if you steal a car you might go to jail for a year or two, but it's quite another thing to know that if you steal a car and get caught, you may very well get beaten to death, literally. People have much more respect for others when they know what the consequences are.
Your friend;