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Popo at evans

crash said:
Actually not true jason--they could easily ticket a brand new rig with no mud flaps.....:;

that would be major BS. wranglers don't come with mudflaps ... just looked again. nope, no mudlaps :haha:
SeaRubi said:
that would be major BS. wranglers don't come with mudflaps ... just looked again. nope, no mudlaps :haha:

BS maybe, but the manufactures are not going to eqp. rigs for ea. states laws
shouldnt our tax money be spent on cops finding people who kill and steal rather than fender flares being too wide.... just my $.02 :flipoff:

anyone who has seen my rig knows it is defintily not DOT approved but i have been up to Evans plenty of times and.... geee.... no ticket. if i get one and deserve it i pay it. they are there trying to deture all the high schoolers from tearing the area up. its a high priority right now. and as for the lame statment "why dont they hang outside a bar and get DUI's" that is not their area. there are pleanty of us/others that once we hit what we think is a "trail area" all bets are off. how many beer cans do you see on the trail or the side of the road leading to the trails. and the other one that gets me is "my friend/brother has been driving his rig on the road and dosent get a ticket" well good for him. he should feel lucky. if its not legal, its not legal. if you go up there and you or your rig looks like you might be doing something wrong but they didnt see it. expect to be hassled. and just what your all crying about is what they want. less traffic of the undesirables. dont get me wrong, i'm not saying you guys are but they are cleaning it up and some of us get caught in the wash. i know i'm going to catch all kinds of crap from you guys so let it fly. i'll do the same thing you should do if hassled by the POPO. i'll deal with it!
SeaRubi said:
that would be major BS. wranglers don't come with mudflaps ... just looked again. nope, no mudlaps :haha:

wrong. :looser: Sounds like you got hosed at the dealership.


Link with MOPAR part numbers.

Good Gawd! It's an ORV area! Why the hell would you ticket ORVs in an ORV area? Leave them alone.
I'd like to hear about some of the "cleaning up" of the area...like did they bust a vandal or arsonist or litterbug or bunch of drunk teens? What have the popo actually been doing besides what we've been hearing people complaining about?
Now that would be rich ... to show up @ evans and get ticketed in a bone stock vehicle. :haha:

crash said:
WRONG :looser:

They don't come with mudflaps off the showrom floor. Yes---you have to have them put on :kissmyass:
SysWillys said:
Jobless.....between your username, your posts in this thread, your signature, your lack of general knowledge and you post count? Your credibility is sinkin quick. :D

Internet appearance is everything :redneck:
SysWillys said:
Jobless.....between your username, your posts in this thread, your signature, your lack of general knowledge and you post count? Your credibility is sinkin quick. :D

You have no idea of how funny this is...I can't stop laughing :haha: :haha: :haha:

This totally made my day :beer:
crash said:
lIKE A JUNKIE ON A SWING :haha: :haha: :haha:

i just had the overwhelming suspicion that you were referring to moi ...

Dirtball, you missunderstood what i meant, What I meant was if any LEO hung out side of a bar at closing time to nail would be DUI offenders? This would be a huge safety related concern. Tankota does understand, It's an ORV area!! He's up there deliberately looking for piddly ass stuff to get us for. Very little of it is safety related.
cliff notes:

some guys got ticketed for illegal vehicle mods.

older guys are telling them to deal with it like the rest of us do.

end of thread....?
Jobless said:
You have no idea of how funny this is...I can't stop laughing :haha: :haha: :haha:

This totally made my day :beer:

Your resilience is awesome.....I'm just :stirpot: cos I wanna come visit next summer with my turd and I'll be the one gettin ghet tickets cos I'm outta state, therefore myvacation will cost me an extra $400 in BS tickets? My junk is WAAAAAAAAY illegal for Washington. But legal for here??
SysWillys said:
Dirtball, you missunderstood what i meant, What I meant was if any LEO hung out side of a bar at closing time to nail would be DUI offenders? This would be a huge safety related concern. Tankota does understand, It's an ORV area!! He's up there deliberately looking for piddly ass stuff to get us for. Very little of it is safety related.

let see they have random dui inspection all the time...

cops are just like a bear at a river catching salmon. if they sit at the right spot all tha salmon come right to them....duh!
as i said before, i have been up there plenty of time. no ticket
we had at least 10 rigs up there on labor day and they came right through our camp, saw us on the forest roads. no ticket
there were tons of people there that week end and the only tickets were the quads racing up & down the road and the twits that were driving "under the influence" who were told to get back to their camp and stay there. they werent trashed but if they had made the trail head they probably would have been. Bobby Long came through with his new rock rig the same time Johnny Law was there and i dont believe he got a ticket either.
yes there has been a big problem up there for a long time with kids, bonfires & booze so they have been keeping a close eye on the place.
Dirtball said:
as i said before, i have been up there plenty of time. no ticket
we had at least 10 rigs up there on labor day and they came right through our camp, saw us on the forest roads. no ticket
there were tons of people there that week end and the only tickets were the quads racing up & down the road and the twits that were driving "under the influence" who were told to get back to their camp and stay there. they werent trashed but if they had made the trail head they probably would have been. Bobby Long came through with his new rock rig the same time Johnny Law was there and i dont believe he got a ticket either.
yes there has been a big problem up there for a long time with kids, bonfires & booze so they have been keeping a close eye on the place.

As long as thats who their targeting? I was under the impression that they were after ALL wheelers, Except for KarlVP of course?
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SysWillys said:
As long as thats who their targeting? I was under the impression th atthey were after ALL wheelers, Except for KarlVP of course?

Ummmm.... No. We were camped at the Day use area. We were out on the roads all day, and nobody got any tickets. The did ask to see drivers liscences, and if you didn't have it, you had to go back to camp to get it.

A simple chat when you see the law up there works wonders. If you are obvioulsy trying to aviod them, it looks suspicious.

Now, if you are a wheeler and you look like a 18yo kid up there to drink beer around the bonfire, the cops are probably going to take an interest to you.

Is it profiling? Yup... did I get profiled when I was 18 and looking for a place to go drink beer in the woods? Yup.