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Super Secret coming out of the closet

Just got done bending up the B-pillar hoop, turned out fairly good in my opinion, fairly tight to the cab... still need to fine tune a couple bends though as this is still a learning process...:awesomework:
Hey man, long time since we've talked. Let me know if you ever need help or motivation or anything. It would be cool to come check out what you've done. My days off are during the week though, so it would have to be sometime after you get off work, but whatev. Just give me a call, usually Tuesdays or Wednesdays, but next week Ill be in Hawaii :awesomework:


Well, the moment you all have been waiting for... well not really i know there are a few out there that have been curious as to what color i was going to paint it *cough* ashes *cough*:redneck: so here it is. Apple Red:awesomework:

OH and in the meantime I have also gotten a chance to use that tube bendy thingy, to make things crooked and also a notching device to join said bendy things together:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:



Rear again.


New tube stuff.:awesomework:

Roof line.

One more for good measure.
Dude,that thing looks GOOD! Are you going to just bedside it, or just leave it kinda truggy with a frame in the rear now? I liked the doved/bobbed bed, but Im a sucker for clean looking truggy-ish tube work too.

It looks like you already bent me a shock hoop too, I see it sitting on the gas tank :flipoff: I still have a small front bumper project for your bendy thing if you want too :;

Dude,that thing looks GOOD! Are you going to just bedside it, or just leave it kinda truggy with a frame in the rear now? I liked the doved/bobbed bed, but Im a sucker for clean looking truggy-ish tube work too.

It looks like you already bent me a shock hoop too, I see it sitting on the gas tank :flipoff: I still have a small front bumper project for your bendy thing if you want too :;


give me a little more practice with the bendy thing then we can take a venture on the bumper:;
You masked the rear window but not the front windshild. :redneck:

Looks good. :awesomework:

ya ya, i couldn't et tape to stick to the rubber seal on the window so i winged it. it was a bit rotted (the seal) and semed to soak up the paint quite well:redneck: :haha: i'll just go and clean the windshield off with a rag, it's just mainly the dusty dry stuff, crappy rattle can paint...:eeek: if i planned on making it nice i would have spent a lot more time on the prep and actually using a real paint
Paint your dash.

in time... in time..... my original plan was to do a flat black like the rest of the interior, but i might try and find the OEM padded dash to put back in their and kepe the inside relatively stock (gas/speedo) and then add a few gauges as i see fit...
thanks man, there has bene progress since you last came by, there will be more progress going on tomorrow night (wednesday) if you feel so inclined to drop by and lend a hoof:corn: i've got some ideas for bracing and a bar across the back window. plus i ripped out the "oem" gas tank and am possibly going to be replacing it with a custom aluminum tank built in oregon by a friend, for a VERY reasonable price i might add... pays to know people:cheer: :awesomework:
thanks man, there has bene progress since you last came by, there will be more progress going on tomorrow night (wednesday) if you feel so inclined to drop by and lend a hoof:corn: i've got some ideas for bracing and a bar across the back window. plus i ripped out the "oem" gas tank and am possibly going to be replacing it with a custom aluminum tank built in oregon by a friend, for a VERY reasonable price i might add... pays to know people:cheer: :awesomework:

Might be over. It does pay to know some people... :awesomework:
Gathered up fenders, hood, cowling for paint, grill, lights...well one... and heater hoses and other dash accessories for assembly. pulled the brake booster. now i'm in search of a new one that is about the same size but can hold up to 4 wheel discs...:eeek: