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The new and improved Sausage

a few more.......I'm trying to protect and route all my hose and lines better than before. I even got my propane mixer out of the passenger foot area
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OK this is the last time I'm going to reply to this tread because I don't want to hijack robins tread any longer.

Troy what I said was I have a start to my buggy. Not as good as done. Just a start.

The last time I had something anodized was about a year ago He charged me a $90 lot charge And he told me to bring In anything else I had that I might want done and it would be in the same lot. I don't know maybe It helps to have a connection. So thousand I think not. I don't know why you care any way I'm not working with your budget.

And as far as delivery! I'm hoping they can get it in the car hauler. I've talked to a couple people about it and they seemed to think they might be able to get it in the trailer. Now I know this might not happen but it won't hurt to ask.
you buggy guys sure waste a lot of time talkin smack to eachother...
Finally have the dual P/S pumps mounted ....belt and all.

And some pics of a man melting metal.
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:awesomework: Hey Robin can't wait to see ya out on the trails !!!!! might have to talk ya in to a ride on moon rocks in the spots my F-Toy won't go!!!!!!:awesomework: :awesomework: :awesomework: "Git It!!!!!":awesomework: