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WA DNR Trail Policy Public Meetings

Is there some sort of talk about adding a width restriction to elbe hills? If so what width? Will this be talked about at the meeting tonight?

I hate to break it to you... but their is and has been a width restriction at Elbe for years.. As far as I know all DNR trails are limited to 88'' the width of their bridges...

I understand how this could have been missed.. sence its posted right on the sign...at the trail head..
sorry for your experience. We have evolved just as rigs have and there are clubs that accept all kinds of rigs but more importantly is the person and or family. We also have the option of individual membership so you can be involved and supportive.

knowing this then its got to be easy to understand why today wee need more difficult more challenging trails as always.. with rigs growing and the sport evolving the trails need to change (for the better) with them..
I believe that's from a post discussing the little rattlesnake trail and once again the USFS set the width we nor I did. it was part of their way to curtail damage and overuse of the trail.

**** NO, I took that out of an ELBE thread. Get it, ELBE, Ill say it again as you may be getting older and hard of hearing, ELBE.

Thats a DIRECT quote from a (one of a few with HUNDREDS of responses) thread on restrictions at Elbe.

You want me to dig up the "big tire" threads and start quoting some of your views in there to?

Pokey you should really beef up your soapbox cuz its kinda falling apart.
I said nothing of pnw4wda... but there are groups that think things are too easy and others that think things are to hard... If you are a wheeler you should 100% support a project whether you agree or don't! If you don't agree with how the project is being implemented than you should get physical involved to effect change. If you are not willing to get involved you still need to 100% support the project and those will to be involved.

Best post in this thread.....:awesomework:
**** NO, I took that out of an ELBE thread. Get it, ELBE, Ill say it again as you may be getting older and hard of hearing, ELBE.

Thats a DIRECT quote from a (one of a few with HUNDREDS of responses) thread on restrictions at Elbe.

You want me to dig up the "big tire" threads and start quoting some of your views in there to?

Pokey you should really beef up your soapbox cuz its kinda falling apart.

Here's the big problem brad you can dig up all the old crap that you want. We and I have evolved with the times and support what's currently happening at Elbe. You can continue to live in the past but I am moving forward.
Its different now we need to be all working together.

Agreed but at the 6 work parties we had in Elbe this summer I believe I can remember about 3 PNW4WDA members showing up out of how many? If your members don't support us where is our motivation to help you? What happened to the 2 big PNW cleanups that happened every year? I know there is a lot of members that frequent Elbe Hills but few that show up to keep it open or make it better. What is the point of having a large membership if they get less done than the independents?

Look at Gibby's big plans for the Vista. He and Faith Wheelers left it unfinished and nobody has heard from him in years on the subject. Has one of the other clubs in the region thought of taking over?

You also know Anthony is right about the trailer. It took forever to get the funds released to buy it even though it had already been promised to the DNR. From what I heard most clubs didn't want to pony up to fulfill the promise. Any no, the DNR couldn't use an old 3 axle trailer with no title that's been sitting in Dan's field.

I'm not throwing you under the bus for a change, just stating what we see from the outside looking in.
The PNW4WDA has come a long way and they have lot's of members that want challenging trails and don't have hang ups with built rigs...however, there are still members that refuse to see the big picture and it only takes one comment from them to get everyone fired up. Pokey donates a ton of his personal time & seems to be tired of constantly defending how the PNW4WDA helps. Everytime someone complains that the PNW4WDA doesn't represent them, it gets pointed out that we just need to join and help the org change from within. :beatdeadhorse:

It's a catch 22.

The PNW4WDA is willing to evolve, but outsiders don't feel welcome and choose not to join. What's the solution? Outsiders demand that the PNW4WDA make changes and the PNW4WDA demands that you join and help them be the organization you need/want to belong to. I think this quote sums it up...Pokey has a responsibility to represent his membership and until that membership profile changes, he is limited on what he recommends.

Pokey said:
That was my plan. The FS is going to be working on the trails this summer thats a given. Bob has hired a trail crew and bought a piece of equipt. to do this. He has talked about the original designation of 72" width. I dont know if thats flexable or not or if so by how much. We all know that it dosent fit a lot of the rigs on the trails these days. My hope is to come up with a number from our members that will suit our membership and submit that as a recomendation. And just to be clear. This is only coming from region 2 which Evans creek is in. It is not going to be a statement from the PNW4WDA as a whole. That would have to come from the Washington state director not my office.

So...which side is going to give in first?

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I WILL NOT be part of something that doesn't except me, they didn't except me the times I tried to join I'm not going to waist my energy trying to join again,but instead keep doing what one man and his little family can do even if it does go unnoticed. I sleep great knowing I have always done everything I could.:awesomework:

Anthony, I know you donate a ton of your time to work parties...I've seen it :awesomework:

However, I'd like to challenge your last statement...have you really done everything you could possibly do? My experiences with WOHVA have shown me that we need to present a unified front. The hikers are organized & well funded. I'm not trying to pick on you, but your comment reminded me of this video. If the PNW4WDA is not for you, are there other orgs/groups you could support?


What do folks think about the message Del shared in the video?

He makes a good point in the video. :awesomework:

Your right I haven't done everything because I am no longer part of any group, this is something me and my family have been talking about.
Agreed but at the 6 work parties we had in Elbe this summer I believe I can remember about 3 PNW4WDA members showing up out of how many? If your members don't support us where is our motivation to help you? What happened to the 2 big PNW cleanups that happened every year? I know there is a lot of members that frequent Elbe Hills but few that show up to keep it open or make it better. What is the point of having a large membership if they get less done than the independents?

Look at Gibby's big plans for the Vista. He and Faith Wheelers left it unfinished and nobody has heard from him in years on the subject. Has one of the other clubs in the region thought of taking over?

You also know Anthony is right about the trailer. It took forever to get the funds released to buy it even though it had already been promised to the DNR. From what I heard most clubs didn't want to pony up to fulfill the promise. Any no, the DNR couldn't use an old 3 axle trailer with no title that's been sitting in Dan's field.

I'm not throwing you under the bus for a change, just stating what we see from the outside looking in.

How many people besides your own club show up at the work party's ? One of the biggest reasons I have thrown my support for you guys and what your doing at Elbe is because you have stepped up and taken "ownership" of the park. Unfortunately most of our member ship is getting older and just do the workpatys like we used to. Those of that still do are spread very thin and there's only so much time to care of everything. Gibby as well asasish his club's well as wow have disappeared leaving things in done. The trailer had problems but I don't remember anyone else stepping up to help. I know my club kicked in $400 and we hardly go to Elbe anymore ( supporting the whole)

Remember we take care of an awful lot of trails in our state that nobody else does we don't fault you for not taking care of other places so please don't fault us for not having a large presence at Elbe . (dpsent outcast show up) back to work grouts drying on the wall.

The April wp was cancelled because the trail conditions were to wet to get anything done. Per Nancy.
Very much so, seeings how we (motorized) were NOT contacted in regards to alot of the talk/process they (DNR) were working on to try and develop an area (we received no opportunity for input)...
I'd like to make a similar point that other posters have made in this thread. I have been wheeling for many many years, and have been hiking for more than a few. Rock climbing, Alpine skiing, etc.

I was involved in supporting the motorized groups for years. I spent hundreds of hours of my time and thousands of dollars. I also got to meet and get to know many of these good people. However, on the flipside of that. The people that these good people are helping I have finally recognized as not worthy of my time or money.

I have not helped the non-motorized recreation groups, as they already have their **** together and simply progress forward with each of their goals. While the motorized groups simply "hope for the best".

And my final note: Many of the "greenies" have other folks striving to be just like them. On the other hand, I can't imagine anyone foolish enough to want to be just like a "wheeler". Why?
SO this is just my personal experience with PNW vs WOHVA

SO this is probably the wrong area for this but WTF

PNW has always been there, They might not totally support your thoughts, but they will not back stab and also sand bag you or your efforts. PNW gives credit for work done to all of those involved in making it true. Not a glory hound that jumps in at the last minute and spams information of what they did with no reference to all involved.

As someone that is involved in ORV in a way that WOHVA will not ever be invited to join in. I can't support bottom feeders. Some day they might grow some balls.

Can't wait for super comments back on this one trying to defend what they did in the past
As far as the trail policy and where it is going. From someone that has took the enviros straight on and won I say as long as you are defending what we do you will loose. If you attack the source of the problem, it will get results. You have to level the playing field. You have to attack the root of the problem. It isn't in Olympia that will make the major change.
SO this is just my personal experience with PNW vs WOHVA

SO this is probably the wrong area for this but WTF

PNW has always been there, They might not totally support your thoughts, but they will not back stab and also sand bag you or your efforts. PNW gives credit for work done to all of those involved in making it true. Not a glory hound that jumps in at the last minute and spams information of what they did with no reference to all involved.

As someone that is involved in ORV in a way that WOHVA will not ever be invited to join in. I can't support bottom feeders. Some day they might grow some balls.

Can't wait for super comments back on this one trying to defend what they did in the past

Well that's a disappointing read :booo: Not really sure what you are trying to accomplish with your comments, but I hope you plan on attending the WOHVA Annual Meeting. I look forward to discussing your concerns over a cup of coffee.

We have some great speakers lined up for the meeting!
  • Ben Janin, a former BOD member of the Colorado Off Highway Vehicle Coalition (COHVCO), will be on hand to share his thoughts on OHV advocacy from a business perspective and why events like the Colorado 600 are the future to Saving Our Sports!
  • We'll also have our OHV representative from the Teanaway Community Forest (TCF) Advisory Committee, Mike Reimer, on hand to share his experiences & answer your questions.
  • The DNR is sending Doug Maclelland & Brock Milliern to help answer questions on OHV recreation in WA State.
  • We'll also have Jakob Perry (Japerry) there to discuss his blog post on how trails should be managed in WA State.

We'll even buy you lunch :awesomework:

SUN 11/09 @ 900AM
Clover Park Technical College - Automotive Rotunda (Building #3)
Campus Map

Anyone can attend!

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