Rec wheeling still happens everywhere all over. All of you guys have been on the cutting edge of crawling/racing the past few years. Thats whats awesome.
Props to Joel, Matt, Nolen for being able to do it and then step back. Now Kelly has a buggy maybe he'll take me rec wheeling, like I used to take him...hint hint :afro:
Ultra4 is the pinnacle of the crawling world. I have no aspirations to go be that hard on my junk ever again. This :afro: does not possess patience in the rocks.
What I want to do, is go race 3-4 offroad/desert races a year here in Texas (local) and be the best here. So when someone thinks about coming to race in Texas they think, **** I got to beat Wyatt. Versus the oh **** we are racing in Johnson Valley, we got to beat 30 guys that have lived in JV their entire life.