Sorry guys I was hoping somebody from last nigth would pop in--but I only have a few so here ar the facts.
First the meeting--this is part of the pre-planning for the ORV park --some things have to be roughed in before the ORV public meeting can be aproved by DNR and public meeting on it
the area is closing the 2nd(again we are hoping just the upper).
The area is being closed down so planning and building of 1-parking camping area and 2 trail plan made and built. Now I know some will say well the area should stay open. My opnion is you cannot build an ORV area(not improve and build up on an established area like elbe/evans and so forth)when its in use..
This is all I know right now and from my standpoint this is great--we have to give up something for a while.
How long--that will depend on funds and "VOLUNTEER HELP" to get the trails made.
Again this is what I know guys....
ok--I have spent too much time I gotta make some $$$
Finally somebody that knows about what really happened chimed inwe got bullied down here. They told us it would hurt to come in crowds.
We came in crowds and the DNR got the hint and the restriction was thrown out the window.
Just from my experience with the dnr.
When 2,000 angry folks show up to find out why their favorite riding/wheeling area is going away it will wake them up as to how big of a problem they are going to have when they put in gates.
Its hard to gain trust with the "you have to be in the know and invited"n thing going on.
Nobody trusted the folks handling the DNR issues here untill Steve got involved and it was loud too. People trust Steve. The dnr was suprised at how many people cared enough to show up and protest this crap.
This is exactly what we did at big elbe dnr meeting. It works.:cheer:
:corn:why is the meeting somewhere other than reiter?
Wouldnt it make sense to have a HUGE meeting at the lot where the users are?
seems there would be enough room to have a crowd
so if its closed on nov 2 whats the difference between wheeling it on nov 3rd and wheeling it for years past?
Its never been a legal wheeling spot.
OK, just to make myself clear to everyone...
I am not promoting a group voice(mob) outside the meeting on Tuesday...
I can see that happening though, like at the "Elbe Meeting"...
I've worked with the DNR and understand how efficient a meeting can be with just a small group focusing on the issue at hand...
Letting everyone know the details beforehand, even if it is limited, will put a lot of people at ease...
It's obvious with all the posting regarding this matter on a number of forums, that people want some sort of an answer...
I believe that giving an honest answer, not holding anything back, is the best policy... Even if the answer isn't what people want to hear...
This is why I've asked the questions that I have...
You guys and gals, that are working directly with the DNR on this matter, have my full support... And I would hope that other people concerned with the furture of Reiter fell the same way...
we got bullied down here. They told us it would hurt to come in crowds.
We came in crowds and the DNR got the hint and the restriction was thrown out the window.
Just from my experience with the dnr.
When 2,000 angry folks show up to find out why their favorite riding/wheeling area is going away it will wake them up as to how big of a problem they are going to have when they put in gates.
Where are these 2,000 (Thats not here nor there Corey!!!)people when we have Elbe DNR group meetings or work partys? :booo: Or when we need petitions signed?
Even if we had 400 people at every work party we could open up 4 miles of new trails and the DNR would be our bitches. Elbe has 8 miles now, we can have 12, but there is not enough volunteers to do maintenence on the existing area, let alone new trails.
Most people just want to wheel, not keep the areas open to the standards required by the DNR.
It is difficult to get people to simply pick up empty beer cans.
"dude, im just a wheeler, I dont do work parties or meetings" do you know how many times I have heard that?
Mark your "my guy" up north.:awesomework: Alaways informed.:;
Why is ther no PNW4WDA being represented?
Ed Tenny is the region 1 landmatters chair for the PNW4WDA Kat is also a PNW4WDA member.
Why is it that people who are not involved to begin with who only wheel and do nothing else to help reiter, all of a sudden want to step in when they hear it is closing - and its not even closing for good.
The fact that its closing temporarily is a good thing at this time, so we can move forward with making Reiter Foothills a legitimate place to wheel for all users in the future.
If you feel that there is no one there to represent you, then maybe you should get involved with a group or association that is currently active in what is transpiring at Reiter, or for that matter, in the wheeling community in general. Somewhere within one of those established organizations, you can vote for your representative, and feel that your concerns are adequately addressed, and then relayed back accordingly.
I think most of the productive responses have been said here already, I wanna add just this..
1) Reiter had a 1.6 Million dollar investment so its not closing indefinitely. It makes sense to close parts under construction, and DNR should be commended for planning the construction during the off-season to minimize impact.
2) THANK YOU to everyone working on the backend to get this area managed. Looking at places like NF/P5000, Reiter had two options.. be closed or become a managed property. There are too many people to let the past continue unchanged. Without the efforts of the handful of people doing the research, making the contacts, going beyond 'the wheel', Reiter would suffer the same fate. For that, they deserve our respect and gratitude.