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XRRA Prep thread

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Re: P's XRRA Prep thread.

Wyatt what it is saying is that they are taking Series Applications until January 15th. Those people will automatically get a spot in each event and be eligable to win the series, plus the entry fee is much cheaper per event. They have a cap or a quota on the number of people that can be in the "series", so they will continue to take series applications after 1/15 until the series is full, but I think they have to pay more to join since it is after the deadline. The same thing happens at each event, series members have first dibs on registering for each event, then they open it up to non-members until it is full and the rate is higher. Both non-member open invitation are of course contingent on the series members not filling them up initially, which may happen as I have heard the XRRA east is going to grow by 100% or more this year. Hope that makes sense, I went around and around with it for a while trying to understand it.
Re: P's XRRA Prep thread.

sorry about your thread paul :flipper: :flipgotcha: laughing
yep, I'm in. wyatt, if you're scared, I'll drive it thumb.gif laughing we can just get fake id's made that say I'm you and vise versa :spin:
Paul, at least you already have your tires, wyatt had to sign up for the series just to get some laughing
Re: P's XRRA Prep thread.

blacksheep10 said:
Paul, at least you already have your tires, wyatt had to sign up for the series just to get some laughing

wouldn't he be cheaper just finding someone who can ge thim the hook up on them...now he has to pay the dues, travel, and thrash the 'car'.....damn...seems backwards.....lol.....good luck guys....i will definitely come out and see you.....
Re: P's XRRA Prep thread.

under_psi said:
wouldn't he be cheaper just finding someone who can ge thim the hook up on them...now he has to pay the dues, travel, and thrash the 'car'.....damn...seems backwards.....lol.....good luck guys....i will definitely come out and see you.....
You'd think, right..... The only person I know I can get the BFG's from as a HOOKUP is in Michigan. I've beat the bushes. So I decided, fawk it. I'm going to be the hookup myself. As far as racing it goes. Should be a good time. Should help me out in the drivers area. Should ad confidence to my abilities and the abilities of my rig. **** it, for as much as I have in my rig, I should be flogging it hard a dog fawk to extract some value back...LOL
Re: P's XRRA Prep thread.

totally. When you are thrust (or in this case thrust yourself) into a do or die situation, you tend to get a lot more serious all of a sudden. I konw that neither wyatt or I like to look like pussies, so a-flogging we will go loller.gif thumb.gif
Re: P's XRRA Prep thread.

Paul, I'm am super sorry, I am a thread killer and wrecked the **** out of your thread.

I am super pumped about this, and yeah still scared as fawk. I'll be pulling for you like crazy to get your buggy done and running this bitch in April.

And yes, if you get a chance please clean up this thread and get it back on track for you.

Matt, ha, yeah, I know right. I've had enough people hit me up, that I'd have to convince BFG I was Robby Gordon Racing or something and fielding like 5 cars in every class in every series east and west. No wonder I was having such a hard time finding tires. The best deal I missed (didn't need them at the time) was the set Hal Frost had in his garage when I was picking up Kelly's 44's. And they were cheap at the time $900 is what he said I could take them with me for. And I declined cause I didn't have a rig or think I needed Red's. HA! Then when I talked to him at the WERock World Finals he told me he sold them for $1400. :eek: They were used pretty good, but still Red labels work better the more broken in the are. **** they barely stop working when the belts start poking through.
Re: P's XRRA Prep thread.

Well, Good Luck Paul... :flipoff1: Hey if u need a extra hand in the pit crew...I would do it..;D
Re: P's XRRA Prep thread.

Paul, lets get this thread back on target. Have you gone through the rulebook yet?

I didn't realize all the things I need to do to take mine to XRRA race trim.

What are you going to do for window nets? And e-brake?
I need to do those, as well as a firewall, engine cover, and a lexan firewall between my the seats and the back of the buggy where my fuel cell is.
I need to replace my winch line as it wouldn't pass at this point, its kinda worn out. Still good for rec wheeling but it does have some frays starting.

Need to save for helmets, and firesuits for me and Kelly. Those are high dollar.
Re: P's XRRA Prep thread.

InDaShop said:
Paul, lets get this thread back on target. Have you gone through the rulebook yet?

Got a laminated copy in the shop thumb.gif

My mom is supposed to be sending a big box of safety (window nets as well) gear from Summit to me for Xmas. 8) I gave her a catalog with the stuff and sizes circle and marked when I was outta town last month to visit family.
Re: P's XRRA Prep thread.

So they sell various sizes of window nets? Cool I was worried I have to have some custom stitched piece.
Are you going with any engine compartment fire supretion(sp*) system? I don't think its required but suggested. I'm going to look into a halon but not sure if ill do it or not
Re: P's XRRA Prep thread.

I dont have "finished" door bars so I ordered what I thought would get me done and see what I can come up with when I put door bars on.

Hell no, I can barely afford this hobby as it is, if its only a suggestion then Im not spending more $$
Re: P's XRRA Prep thread.

**** mang, window nets! I hunted high and low. Turns out most of the race bodies NHRA, stock car, midgets all have this 18"x24" regulation so thats the only size I could find anywhere 'cept for Nascar's truck series they have a 22" X 27" that is kinda funky.

Anywho, short side of it, I got in touch with Mastercraft and have since taken a photo, as well as made a template of my window opening to have my safety nets made. ****!!!
Going to mail it out tomorrow. My opening is 22" x 32" and not a square.

I still have no solid plan for a good firewall between the engine and the "cabin", crapola....

And the hat has been officially tossed in the ring for the whole '08 East Series. Check is in the mail, and I talked with Jodi Weaver in depth yesterday about anything and everything.

4 months from right now is BAMA!!!
Re: P's XRRA Prep thread.

Oh yeah any chance anyone has checked the price of 1.75 7075-T6 in their area? Cheapest I've found in Houston is $36. Branik priced me $28 but then I'd have shipping. I need some spare links.

Yeah its going to sneak up on us. I want to get all my **** ready, get my spares lined out, and then, I hope to get this bitch painted up purdy for prom.
Went yesterday afternoon and go a sheet of 1/8 Polycarbonate (Lexan) to do my rear firewall with and fill in my other areas that lack firewall.
I think I overpaid, but couldn't find another retail seller, after calling 15 or so places in the Yahoo Yellow Pages. Then today dad reminded me of a place he used a while back, and thought ****, I'll check them next time.

I've made aluminum skins for REC wheeling, and am going to do Polycarbonate for comps.

I need to do a before and after set of pics and somewhat tech of how I'm taking my rec wheeler and race prep'in it.
What did you pay ( how much did you buy ? ) I found a place local to me that gets around 120.00 for a 4x8 sheet of 1/8th

They also can get the cutting board shiz... ( I always forget the abbreviation ) And will sell it to me cut to length or by the sheet thumb.gif (and he can get it for me in Black !!! SA-WEEEET )

I asked him about color and strengths He told me that white basically just meant the material was "virgin" and probably was a bit stronger, but really color doesnt matter as each manufacture has different specs and colors so its not a universal way to guage the material
So who all is running the XRRA?? I'm planning on it as well as We Rock
LUNCH said:
So who all is running the XRRA?? I'm planning on it as well as We Rock
Nice! I noticed the Werock in Missouri is a week after the XRRA at Grey Rock. I will be busy attending these suckers this season. I have only been to one real comp in Disney years back. ****'s progressed a lot in those years.
The sheet I got was like 4.5ft x 8ft and ran $102.

My dad bought the same sized sheet but in 1/16 a few months ago from another place and it only cost him $30ish. So I need to call them and price this ****. I plan on running Lexan skins for comp, and then my nice aluminum ones for trail riding.

I made some major progress yesterday (Sunday) I got 11 hours in. Stripped down, removed a ton of old brackets and items that were no longer needed. Got the passenger foot hold done, got my pedals all repositioned for me, and mocked up the "T" handle for the passenger. I also got a start on my templates for cutting the Lexan.

No camara, but I'll snap some shots when I go back to the shop to work on it.