Looking good Wyatt
man, grab handles in front of me don't do it for me. I know that's not just for me, but I don't use any handles more than I use a hoop above me like on heath's. it seems like on rollovers and jumps you tend to put your hand on the roof. a hoop up there would be the ****InDaShop said:So I've been making slow progress. Hard to get buggy time in with work being so insane and the baby.
Anywho, Go_Vols came over this afternoon/evening and helped me knock out the rear firewall. Was super handy having that extra set of hands.
The passenger had zero amentities in my buggy, nowhere to put your feet or hands. Your feet dangle out the front and you could only tuck your thumbs behind the 5-point and thats it. So I built a foothold, and am in the process of building a "T" handle. Just waiting on the steering wheel quick disco. hub to weld it all up so that the "t" is removeable like a racing steering wheel.
1x3 tubing that I bent, and then gusseted.
The drivers had near zero pedal control without a heal hold. Everytime I've been out, I have had leg cramps that night from the constant trying to feather the throttle using my quads rather than my calf & ankle. So I put in a heal hold, as well as moved both the gas and brake up a little over an inch each.
Pic of the controls pre-fab.
Here is the heal hold clamped in place. Its a piece of 1.25x1.25 aluminum angle, that I drilled and speed hole'd.
Another angle. Between constantly getting in and out for the passenger side foothold, and this thing, I was sore from all the climbing in and out. Fuggin buggy is rough on entry and exit when you do it 50+ times in a day.....
F-ing recovery points. I'm so screwed if I ever get stuck. I had no recovery points front or rear, and both of my winches are currently permanently hooked to my axles. I got a 2 pack of d-ring points from Ballistic with the thought 1 for the front and 1 for the rear. Well these really only would work on the rear for me. I need to figure something else out for the front. And yeah yeah, I know I need to fix my axle breather tube.
Ballistic makes a helluva product.
Rear firewall in. I still need to remove it, paint all the tabs, peal the protective coating and reinstall. Let me say that the Mcmaster-Carr tabs are the ****. This thing went in like butta', and thanks to Todd for bringing beer and helping out. I tried to do some gHey cardboard template, and looked like a monkey ****ing a football. Todd had an idea, and we rocked it. Good idea.
I still lack tons, but its coming along. Should have the Mastercraft window nets late next week, and I need to order up some parts for toher stuff, including spares. Oh and the last thing I'm waiting on is our Team #, back from Jodi Weaver. Depending on what we got, kinda drives what the team name is, and then I'll be able to get some crew shirts made up. WOOT!
P said:I was lookin into 1/8 but my only concern was if it was "floppy" in those large of a section. Not that its a big concern can always add a mount here or there. ( Im not that far yet, just thinking outloud and asking questions to save time when I get there. )
blacksheep10 said:man, grab handles in front of me don't do it for me. I know that's not just for me, but I don't use any handles more than I use a hoop above me like on heath's. it seems like on rollovers and jumps you tend to put your hand on the roof. a hoop up there would be the ****
P said:Man I really wanna thank a few folks off the boards, not only for thier support but for letting me get chances at parts they are selling before they list them... help onfab or just moral support in general. These last few weeks alot of guys have stepped up and helped me out. So thank you, seriously without you I wouldnt make this dream reality !!
If I miss anyone Im truly sorry... in no particular order..or name arrangement
BamaTJ Ben Minden Blacksheep
InDaShop Miles4areason HB & Ambo
3 ton of fun Muchado
Juan Hung Loe Zukini race jeep
....... prolly more, headed to lunch and just thinking out loud![]()
No you are my reality check. I dont have it bad. I'm just a whiney bitch.P said:You ready for my list............ laughing
I dont know that I'm ready to commit to repainting this whole bitch. DAMN YOU NOLEN! DAMN YOU! You got in my head!wngrog said:Gloss is the only way to go. Semi and Flat hold dirt and never look good unless it is fresh.
I highly recommend gloss.
5 tires and something "for the Mrs."InDaShop said:Aight, the lazy side just kicked in. I'm rattle canning semi gloss or flat, whatver matches the rest of its beat up ass.
In better news the wifer just called, She said that a dude in a brown truck just dropped off 6 big round black things.![]()
Huh? All 6 are for the wife, they are my condoms.P said:WERD
You selling the Trepadors ?