Pdaddy you know this man! I plan to pick up two sets when I'm out in Cali next with a trailer and bring back.
Car is making plenty of progress.
Rick needs to stop working on it to prep his car for Nationals but he just keeps plugging on mine.
I told him to ****ing quit cause I'm not putting some losers name on my car, so he better go win something.
RCV shipped my stubs this morning, and my front 3rd should have been dropped off according to UPS this afternoon.
Fuel tank is on the block this week, has to be done by Friday to go to Wayne"ZukIzzy" for flanges, stem, filler, and baffles. Then its off to Harmon for its bladder next week, they'll have it for a while. Best guess 4-6 weeks.
Well I guess this is as good a time as any to drop these in here... Clears by a shaved cunthair! But looks so RIGHT!
Dash ended up working and being used. Rick, Brian, and I had played with it and came up with a plan to ditch it for an aluminum fabbed one if this one couldn't be made to work. Rick worked his magic.
Carbon Fiber for ballers!