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555 "Black Betty"

InDaShop said:
^^^^ for sure LOL. going to have to mount tires on the roof!!! I'm like a good dog, can rollover on command!

Kelly and I got to talking about this the other night. This thing completely got away from me. Its a good thing, but still. When I bought the project, I planned a very very budget deal, that I did myself. Now is all blinged and ballered out, and I aint touching it!
I think I need to hire someone to haul it back and forth from AZ twice between Nov & Feb, any takers? I dont want to do that 22hour drive anymore than I have to. Who wants to party in Parker the weekend before KOH? Bluewater Casino!!!

Oh yeah Bones, I almost text you yesterday, was getting gas at that station you sideswiped the Canadian Farmers at in 2009. :****:
There ya go, always bringin up olllld shiat! laughing1
1TONZR2 said:
Lookin good Wyatt! No pics of the monster truck you saw at Campbell's shop? I need those head plates/ bushings...... :drinkers:

Left that out. And no pics. Shannon and I went out back and opened up his Quonset hut (old shop) and had the Class1 out. That thing is a monster truck, felt like I needed to tippy toe to look over the rail into the cockpit. Pictures don't do it justice in size and proportions its HUGE! I'm 6' and its easily 7' tall.

car in question
Some updates, which are really just more mods to make the chassis actually work vs. the crap DSI built.

The Trentfab brow was a huge problem for me, not just asthetics which look good, but the brow actually peaked forward making it very hard to aluminum sheet the roof without gaps along the brow. It looked screwy.

As built.



Target roof/brow sheeting
Next up was the motor skid which the driveshaft got 1.5" into at right droop, left stuff.
The correct and optimal solution would have been to have a different rear housing build offsetting the 3rd 2" further to the passengerside.
Dollars and what would be a delay equaled going the other more compromising route but keeping what we had. Plus the longside shaft is already re-damn-diculous long.

Original tube work.

Having to brace and hang the motor so it doesn't move while all the motor mount work is going on.

Kicked over and lost .75 qts from the oil pan. The pic looks funky, but Rick says it looks legit.
Last but not least this go around. Tranny/Transfer mounts.
We had so much discussion on these you have no idea, Mounting off the belly just makes everyone cringe. Heavy hit and you chance bowing the belly and cracking a bellhousing.
Well my belly/floor is all 2" DOM .188 wall, and every other way to mount it just made no sense, would make servicing, R&R a mofo.
So to the belly we went.

Black Betty is lucky to have you for a father. You are truly making that chassis right and it will be a bad machine when it is complete that will take a beating and you should just have to wash off the dust and fill it back up with fuel.
Still feel like you got a fair deal for the parts and materials you paid DSI for? Maybe thats a touchy subject. :indianajones:

I know fixing **** always is a bummer because you are two steps back for every one step forward.
Not touchy at all, I got a good deal for what I got, and that doesnt change the fact DSI is a douche.

Maybe the ProAm route would have been a little more expensive at this point versus, way more expensive than straight axle but whatever at this level.

Aside from the ass and tire size this is what my pile should look like very very soon.
blacksheep10 said:
do they make that glass anymore, or is it a, "don't wreck it, not even once" type of deal.
Trailer Products still makes them if you need them, they've got the molds. Porter "Alpha"
There are a few cars running this glass so should be around a while. Downside is the shipping from Hemet, Ca
You might as well bite the bullet up front and have them ship you several sets bro, we all know how you "roll" :flipoff1:

Looking great excited to see the finished product and big texas smile in some action shots ! :woot:
Pdaddy you know this man! I plan to pick up two sets when I'm out in Cali next with a trailer and bring back.

Car is making plenty of progress.
Rick needs to stop working on it to prep his car for Nationals but he just keeps plugging on mine.
I told him to ****ing quit cause I'm not putting some losers name on my car, so he better go win something.
RCV shipped my stubs this morning, and my front 3rd should have been dropped off according to UPS this afternoon.

Fuel tank is on the block this week, has to be done by Friday to go to Wayne"ZukIzzy" for flanges, stem, filler, and baffles. Then its off to Harmon for its bladder next week, they'll have it for a while. Best guess 4-6 weeks.

Well I guess this is as good a time as any to drop these in here... Clears by a shaved cunthair! But looks so RIGHT!

Dash ended up working and being used. Rick, Brian, and I had played with it and came up with a plan to ditch it for an aluminum fabbed one if this one couldn't be made to work. Rick worked his magic.
Carbon Fiber for ballers!