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555 "Black Betty"

Its pretty damn close. All the little ****!
Rick still thinks test/tune right around Thanksgiving. Im thinking itll be later but we'll see.
Some peeektures (some shitty blurred cell phone peeektures) :flipoff1: . Would not look like much progress but all of the paneling is done, and all tabbed out. The skids plates are all templated and the tabs have all been welded in place. Waiting on material to cut them out.

Light panel

PAC swaybar action. This thing is just stupid. Its huge by huge.

Big ol' bump cans!

Nice ass view with the fuel tank not there. Rick nailed the Class1 look IMO.

Moving inside. I think whats cool, and hopefully doesnt super heat the cockpit is there really isnt any traditional raised floor. The floor is the top of the skidplate tubes and will have minimal footrest panels. Driveshaft guards and thats it.
No tranny or transfer cover. And the seats sit on rods, so once you pull the side panel you pull the rods out and the seats come out. No tools needed.

You can see the mockup rod for the seat in the lower left of this pic with the washer welded on the end. There will be storage built into these metal pocket cavities on each side behind the seats for spares and tools.

PSC steering mount. Rick likes these things, I'm not sure I'm a fan... We'll see

Batt and Steering

All of the steering is done except for the mounts at the knuckles. Was cool to turn the wheel and be able to cycle back and forth. The travel is nutso, and has zero bumpsteer for all but 2"s of the overall maximum travel. So we are trying to decide where to put it, I'm kinda of partial to limiting the travel (straps) and leave the bumpsteer at the bottom of the travel. Rick is leaning towards splitting it between the top and bottom. So only on max droop or max bump would the bumpsteer come into play. When you consider this setup has +2" more than any of the current Ultra4's have (this car is wider is how that happens). Now its just a factor of sorting through the bullshit from other IFS guys and what you believe. I think that the guys pulling 18" of front travel have 1.5-2" of the same bumpsteer problem and truely only get 16-16.5" of clean travel. We have ran the calculations 100 different ways and have not found anyway that they could pull 18" of clean at their widths. Numbers dont seem to lie here but without putting a tape measure on someone elses car all Robby Gordon style there's no way to know for sure. That statement should be the least bullshit you'll ever read on IFS.


Sans hood.
Fawk yeah! Looking great man! The seat removal makes me happy. Your old donkey was a monumental PITA loller.gif

Prayers for EZ's wife that they get her ticker fixed.
Bones said:
Fawk yeah! Looking great man! The seat removal makes me happy. Your old donkey was a monumental PITA loller.gif

Prayers for EZ's wife that they get her ticker fixed.

She's been released, then has to go to her heart Dr. in PHX.
I really dont know details, but Ricks high level version is, the Dr.s only want to treat the blood clotting with blood thinners. They do not want to try to diagnose what/why her blood is clotting. Is their some catalyst or what...
Rick has a theory that it has something to do with the air and a something she breathes is the catalyst. Both instances have been after being around fires. 1st was forest fire smoke, the 2nd was this past weekend they had a big campfire at their mountain cabin property.
I spy real brake lines. I don't know you anymore. I recall cloud o tittay shocks and plastic brake lines with pipe fittings. Next thing it will get powdercoated and have 12pt bolts holding on the skins :gtfo: thumb.gif
I really don't have much, **** it behind schedule, but not off schedule. I'm not worried or bothered by it, more time to pay for it...

These are some hard dates though.
Jan 10-11 suspension tuning in Barstow, and aka put miles on car
Jan 12 Pre-fun Run with BITD in Parker.

Jan 31 Parker tech
Feb 1 Parker 425
I need to call and talk with Casey Folks about class. Three options: Class 1, where I'd want a back of class start and be an also run for high entry cost. 4400, where we'd probably be the only car in class if Casey will even have it high entry cost, just finish and get a trophy and 1st points ("guys" have won the season doing just that). Or sportsman where its half the cost, still an also ran but get lots and lots of passing practice through the slower classes. Sportsman isn't glamorous, but lets be honest here, I haven't raced offroad in a while, definitely not this car, and lemons and Bonneville don't exactly prepare you for much except being comfortable in your suit, helmet, and hans.

Tell me what you'd do?
A: 1500
B: 4400
C: Sportsman

Somebody's got some serious balls.
Right, but it takes a lot of balls to race like you do. I have a tire trophy right here in my shop :flipoff1:
I'm quite jealous of your balls, I want them in my....Rzr tires badly
Man, I'd do sportsman or Ultra4. No reason I can see in my mind to do C1. Depends on your race goals for 2014. If a trophy would look cool on your wall and on the car's resume for selling, I'd up pay and buy a good chance at a class win trophy
Rick said I can drop my gym membership, and hes officially out of the lumpy tire business after doing these.

Bill Bairds car completed the Durhamtown race with the right rear tire SLAP RURNT,,,hole big enough for house cat to climb thru in it.

But them tire balls saved the day and he done bout the last 3 laps with them holdin the carcass up.

His tire looked just like that farmer in the first men in black movie with the alien bug inside his carcass.

And yes his guys said they were a pain in the ass to "install".
Swapped return flights and got home around 1am, vs. noon today.
OMG, what a past few days.
New car, holy crap.

I would compare the ride to....sitting on your couch with a steering wheel and driving it across 3-4' deep whoops. You're butthole puckers up for the hits and they just never came. Its cheating compared to solid axle, just plain cheating. Going to take a while to untrain the mind that huge holes arent really a huge concern anymore.
Huge success in my book. Way exceeded expectations.


The BAD:
Car did get ****ed up a bit. And NOT BY ME....well I was driving... :flipoff1:
Rick and I are at full fault for it though, we left the original DSI designed upper rear shockmounts. They seemed weak, so we thought about beefing and supporting them, then after Parker redoing them to accept a bigger shock package. We'll they collapsed and caused some pretty significant collateral damage, putting us on the trailer for the day. Nothing is perfect out right out of the box. This was a weak area and we're fixing it.

I'd already been talking with Wayne Isrealson about some King 3.5's that he had in stock, and since we were tuning with him when it happened it was pretty easy to pull the trigger on that upgrade now since that upper needs redone anyway.
Like I said we planned to make changes, just had hoped what was they would last through Parker. Changes being made now, vs. later.

I was coming down the Barstow main at about 60mph, where I'd been running over 80, and it just dropped, then 1st hit was a partial bottom out and got my attention, then the 2nd bottom out, I really lifted by then the rear suspension. I had packed and the 3rd hit was an ass end pogo.
I didnt realize what had happened yet, and Wayne came over radio about then, to come in as something didnt look right.
Just as I was passing the trailer those guys could see the white tire smoked coming off the right rear, and the knee jerk thought was I'd smoked the motor. The smoke was rolling up right at the exhaust so it made sense.
Shitty engineering, but even shittier is we knew it was bad, and didnt replace it.

I wont put these out there for the public to see so, please dont leak them outside this private forum. Rick, Wayne, Brian Smith, and Mark Chaney where there.
tower collapse, allowed the side load on the axle.

Shifted axle to the left and got into the bumpcans and exhaust.


Doesnt look like much on the driverside, but focus at the C/O bolt, the plate is pooched out here.

My welds held on the axle, but it tore the plate. Got very lucky this happened damn near at the trailer, as it could have gotten bad if that mount had penetrated the tank.

The bumpstop came down through the tire and hit the rim and just exploded it. I think the tire will make a decent spare, as it doesnt appear to have any holes in it, just a nice grove in the sidewall, right at the tread.
Tireballs FTW!!!
Thanks for the back story on the rim. Too bad I have already posted about your lack of improved driving skills on Pirate :flipoff1: