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555 "Black Betty"

at full stuff its about .75" at ride height its more like 1.25"
But to your inquiry having that much moving and popping up and down next to that big expensive piece of the car with minimal clearance is mind-boggling.
benfowler87 said:
After this build started I've been less and less productive at work. Sit around and watch trophy trucks on YouTube all day lol.
Yeah you been sucking at new fresh and hot 35% as well.
Ka-BAM! Yeah I'm going to bet my 1st upgrades will be in rear c/o and bypass upgrades.
When I got them the plan was for fuel behind the seat, then I saw the Danny Ebberts fire and was like F-that put it in the back!

Bones said:
63 gallons, so a 300 mile range might be possible?

63 before bladder, baffles and pumps, so maybe thats 60, then minus for the unuseable. So lets hope for 55gal useable.
55*3= 165mi.
Perfect thats BARELY enough to only need to refuel once a lap at Parker.
I'll be out there in a week and a half for some stuff. Car is 4-6 weeks from done ready to test. :eat:
Waiting on cell back from getting its bladder made. Car has to go to Kingman, AZ next week for headers/exhaust to be built. Then to Phoenix to Campbells to have it wired by the guy that Shannon uses, we are waiting for this guy to fit it in.
Hope to test/tune in Barstow over Thanksgiving and bring back to Texas then.

Once back in Texas it has to go up to Mast in Nacogdoches for dyno tuning. Body will get painted here, and will probably pull some stuff off and get coated, probably going to zink the A & trailering arms. Chassis will need painted, buts going to have to wait a while, until then lots of Gibbs and scotchbrite.
Credit card is in the freezer, and looks like budget wise its about $6k over expectations that we lined out a year ago. I'm getting pretty ancy, this thing has been in the works for two solid years since I physically took possession.
Please add Cassandra Mooneyham to yalls prayers. Ricks wife had a 2nd heartattack today and is currently in the hospital.

As noted a few posts ago I was there today. I was about an hour out when Rick called on the way to the ER to admit Cass for a heart issue.

I did head on to the shop and one of Ricks guys and I went over what was done, what was lacking, and what input I had. I ended up having lunch with Rick and his kids (keagan & samantha). I dont know where my head would be considering the circumstances. But Rick welcomed talking the build to distract his thoughts.

Please say a prayer for the Mooneyhams.
Mooneyhams are certainly in my thoughts.

You getting really close or is it still a fair way out from shakedown ?